Research Grants
- Members of the Faculty of Medicine Zurich,
- Assistant professors of the Faculty of Medicine Zurich,
- Private lecturers (Privatdozenten) of the Faculty of Medicine Zurich,
- Senior physicians, senior assistants and assistants of institutes and clinics affiliated to the faculty
Note that:
- Applications from faculty members, assistant professors and private lecturers (PDs) are submitted directly to the Foundation Board.
- Applications of senior physicians, senior assistants and assistants must be reviewed and supported by the head of the department or institute or by a private lecturer (letter of support required – please upload together with the application).
Allowed expenses include:
- Salary for employees (own salary can not be applied for)
- Consumables
- Machines
Each beneficiary can receive max. CHF 100’000.- over a period of 10 years.
Travel grants
- PhD students, MD doctoral students and Postdocs are eligible. Specifically, only Postdocs holding their PhD title for less than 5 years and who have not yet obtained a Habilitation (PD) are eligible.
- Travel grants are limited to three grants per year per research group.
- Applications for travel grants need to be submitted before the conference or at the latest at the first HMS deadline after the conference.
Applications must be submitted through the Hartmann Müller-Stiftung Online Tool:, using your ‘UZH Shortname’ username and ‘WebPass’ password to log in.
The following documents must be submitted:
- Research plan, the length must not exceed 2 pages.
- Financial plan
- CV
- Publication list
- Ethics approval, if applicable
- Support letter if applicant is not fully eligible, see above for eligilibity criteria
Applications not fulfilling the formal criteria will be rejected without further review (can be resubmitted after completion). This also applies to applications that lack the necessary approval from the ethics committee or the animal welfare authority.
The deadlines for applications are February 1st, June 1st and October 1st.
Funding decision will be communicated within two months of the application deadlines.
The average success rate of research grant applications submitted to the Hartmann Müller Foundation in the years 2021-2023 is about 10%.